mods i've made for puyo fever!

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Mod Info Download
Puyo Pop Fever REMIX 2.0
Fever REMIX is a conversion mod for Puyo Puyo Fever! Includes: New graphics from PPT2 and other modern Puyo games! New SFX! New voices! New music, including some brand new arrangements! Modern Puyo styled voice patterns New fever chains! And plenty of other changes!
Puyo Puyo FamiFever
FamiFever is a mod for Puyo Fever that converts it into an Famicom like experience!
Carnival Edition Characters
Readds the characters from Puyo Puyo Fever 15th Anniversary Carnival Edition into the regular version of fever! Every character replaces Carbuncle.
Carnival Title Screen
Sora & Riku in PPF
Character mod for Puyo Puyo Fever that adds Sora and Riku, from their Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories incarnations.
Naomi Prototype Music
Readds the NAOMI prototype soundtrack into the main game. some tracks aren't affected as they weren't in the prototype.
Minna De Puyo Puyos
The puyos from Minna de Puyo Puyo (Puyo Pop on GBA)
Strange Klug
klugs haunted. ported sprites from 20th anniversary!
PSP Character Select
Replaces the old character select menu with the updated portraits from the PSP port (and also DS i guess)
CVS2 HUD pack
replaces some sound effects and graphics with ones from Capcom VS SNK 2
PPT2 Sonic in Fever
sonic hastily ported from ppt2 into fever! gee sonic, how come they let you in this game TWO times
osans bones
this joke is ooooold and exactly what you think it is. er er er er er er er er er
this is a test
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